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Committees & Task Forces

The following are HCAF's standing committees and task forces that provide opportunities for member involvement and input. To inquire about joining a committee or task force, please send us a messageĀ or call (850) 222-8967.


There are four standing committees, three of which are open to members in good standing.

  • Executive Committee ā€“ Consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Board of Directors. Except for the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have all the powers and authority of the Board in the intervals between meetings of the Board, subject to the direction and control of the Board. Any actions or business transacted by the Executive Committee will be reported back to the full Board. At any time, the Executive Committee could offer guidance on a particular issue or decide to defer to the full Board.
  • Finance and Audit Committee ā€“ Consists of the Treasurer (who serves as the Committee Chair), the President, three Board members selected by a majority vote of the Board, and general members selected at large. The Committee prepares an annual budget and recommends this budget to the Board at least 35 days prior to the Annual Conference & Trade Show. The final budget is subject to the approval of the full Board.
  • Home Care Political Action Committee ā€“ Promotes and strives for improvement of government by encouraging and stimulating home care agencies and others to take a more active and effective part in governmental affairs and the political process. For more information, click here.
  • Leadership Development Committee ā€“ Consists of members selected by a majority vote of the Board. The Committee identifies potential candidates and spheres of influence; chooses a slate of qualified candidates for all Board positions to be filled at the Annual Conference & Trade Show; assists with the orientation of new Board members; and helps evaluate the Boardā€™s performance.

Task Forces

The Board of Directors or the President may establish task forces for specific purposes and objectives. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, the President shall appoint members and chairpersons of any task force. HCAF members in good standing are encouraged to join any task force aligning with their interests and expertise, contributing actively to its objectives. Time commitments vary depending on ongoing projects and deadlines.

  • All-Hazards Emergency Management Team Task Force ā€“Ā Promotes collaboration and communication concerning planning, response, and recovery phases from declared hazards in Florida.
  • Education Task Force ā€“ Assists in shaping HCAF's education curriculum and learning resources.
  • Governmental Affairs Task Force ā€“ Monitors state and federal legislation affecting home care providers, guiding HCAFā€™s policy agenda.
  • Medicaid Task Force ā€“ Focuses on Florida Medicaid program policies and regulations, including the Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program.
  • Membership Task Force ā€“ Develops strategies to attract, retain, and engage HCAF members.
  • Mentorship Task Force ā€“ Facilitates professional development within the HCAF community by pairing mentors with mentees to provide guidance and support.
  • Podcast Task Force ā€“ Plans topics and guests for HCAF's podcast, enriching community engagement and knowledge-sharing.
  • Private Duty Task Force ā€“ Supports the licensed-only home care sector and related HCAF membership program by providing input into suggested education, resources, and advocacy efforts.