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Tips for Meeting With Lawmakers

From your local city council to your congressional representatives in Washington, D.C., meeting with your elected officials about home care issues is easier than you might think. Remember, your legislators work for you! Here are some tips for effectively engaging with your lawmakers:

  1. Identify Your Main Message: Before the meeting, formulate the main message you want to convey to the legislator. For example, "Please play a leadership role in advancing policies to expand access to in-home care” or “Please vote for [BILL NUMBER] to [PURPOSE OF THE BILL]."
  2. Prepare and Practice: Research the issues you want to discuss and understand how they impact both the home care industry and your local community. If meeting with a group, designate roles and practice your parts. Time permitting, hold a dry run of the entire meeting. Business attire is suggested when meeting with legislators in the Capitol.
  3. Introduce Yourself: Begin by telling the legislator or staff person your name, where you are from, and that you are a constituent (if applicable). Mention if you represent a home care agency, noting its name, location, and footprint. Share any personal connections to the legislator and thank them for their time.
  4. Be Clear and Concise: State clearly and concisely what issue you want to discuss, what your position is, and what action you want the legislator to take. Support your position with facts and mention any organizations or individuals that also support your stance.
  5. Share Personal Stories: Personal anecdotes can be powerful. Share stories that illustrate the impact of home care services on individuals and families in your community. Stress how the issue will affect the legislator's district or state.
  6. Stay on Topic: Legislators have busy schedules, so it's key to stay on topic. If they bring up unrelated issues, acknowledge and address them briefly, then steer the conversation back to your agenda.
  7. Provide a "Leave-Behind" Document: Give the legislator a brief document that outlines your position and explains the issue or bill. This ensures they have a clear summary of your points.
  8. Follow Up: Send a thank-you note after your meeting to reiterate your key points and express your appreciation. Include any follow-up information you promised and maintain communication for future advocacy.

Remember, it’s okay to not know all the answers. Admit when you don’t know something and follow up later with the information. This ensures credibility and provides an opportunity for further engagement.

To learn more or if you are interested in meeting with your lawmaker or attending an upcoming advocacy event, email Kyle Simon, Senior Director of Policy, Advocacy & Communications, at or call (850) 222-8967. Engaging with your elected officials can make a significant difference in shaping policies that support the home care industry and the individuals it serves. Your voice matters — get involved today!